Marine Space has been appointed as the Company Fisheries Liaison Officer (CFLO) for Morgan, Mona, and Morven. They will work with the National Federation of Fisheries Organisations (NFFO) to liaise and work with fishermen in the Irish Sea and with the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) for the North Sea.
Maritime engagement
Morgan and Mona have appointed NASH Maritime Ltd to establish and maintain a Maritime Navigation Engagement Forum (MNEF) for relevant maritime stakeholders in the project area. The forum will also engage relevant government, regulatory agencies and statutory consultees.
Notices to Mariners

Notice to Mariners 23/11/2022
Morgan and Mona (Yellow North and South) Offshore Wind Farm Notice to Mariners NtM015 v12
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Morgan Offshore Wind - Notice of application for an electricity generation licence under section 6(1)(a) of the Electricity Act 1989
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Notice to Mariners 30/08/2022
Morgan and Mona (Yellow North and South) Offshore Wind Farm Notice to Mariners NtM015 v9
More info